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Hours of Operation

Mondays - Friday
8am - 5pm


The Campus ID at Colorado Mesa University is referred to as a MAVcard. The MAVcard office is located on the 1st floor of the University Center. The MAVcard office is a resource for all MAVcard questions and needs, including new, lost, or replacement MAVcards, MAVcard encoding,  MAVmoney, FlexMoney, and commuter meal plans.

Terms and Conditions

Disclosure Statement


MAVcard office
970.248.1059 phone
1100 North Avenue
Grand Junction, CO 81501


The Colorado Mesa University MAVcard is the official student ID at Colorado Mesa University. CMU degree seeking students, concurrent, fast-track, faculty, and staff are eligible to receive an official CMU campus ID card. Students need to be registered for classes in the current semester and present valid government issued photo identification in order to be eligible for a MAVcard. Faculty and Staff must present an official University check-in sheet and valid government issued photo identification to be issued a card.

Accepted types of identification include government issued passports, driver's license, state identification cards or a military ID. MAVcards will not be issued without proper identification and validation of the student being registered for classes (registration exceptions are made only during New Student Orientations).

The MAVcard has many purposes and allows students, faculty, and staff access to the:

  • Library

  • Recreation Center

  • Campus Dining Outlets with meal plans

  • Payment convenience at several campus departments using FLEX money

  • CMU Athletic events

  • Pre-approved after hours building access

  • Residence Hall entrance

You can make your deposit for your CMU MAVcard FLEX money, MAVmoney, and purchase MAV Plans online  if you are a CMU Student, Staff, or Faculty. If you are a parent, guardian, or family member of a CMU Student, you may make the purchase for your student by clicking here.

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